
....and the hurdles it brings.

Wednesday, 31 May 2017

Eating My Frog

So, quarter life crisis is hitting pretty hard, and then Mark Twain decides to sashay into my life with his enormous moustache and famous quotes. It is kind of annoying, really, how history has a solution to your problems so that you do not have an excuse to fail at anything.His famous quote: 'Eat a live frog first thing in the morning and nothing worse will happen to you during the day.' Nasty, right? But he does have a point. Half a point actually.

The quote literally translates to you doing your worst and most difficult task in the morning and you will be alright in the morning. Buuut, what happens to people that do not wake up with rainbows and unicorns like me? There are people out there that thrive at night (and I am not talking bout the oldest profession here. Minds out of the gutter, people). Some of us wake up with swollen eyes and grumpy faces and hoarse voices and we do not want to see anyone until it is around noon. This, plus the fact that we may spend fifty minutes doing a simple task, translates to the opinion that we probably are not that productive in the morning. Should we still eat our frog, or can we just hang it out to dry and maybe roast first and then we can eat it in the evening with our supper?

P.S: Us nocturnals are not lazy as people assume we are. We just work on our own timelines, so do not come trying to impose your crazy theories on how day and night operates. The planet Pluto barely has any day, and it still survives. 

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